Metro PCS Customer Service: Metro by T-Mobile 24×7

Do you want to contact Metro PCS customer service? If yes, stay with this article. Here are all the possible contact details available. You can contact Metro PCS by phone number, email, and mail by visiting the store and using live chat (Metro by T-Mobile). Also available on the customer support team 24 hours a day.

Contact Metro PCS Customer Service

You can contact Metro PCS customer service by Phone number, Mail, or In the app.

Call customer service by PhoneCall: 888-863-8768 or
Call: 888-8-METRO-8 *611 from your Metro by T‑Mobile phone
Make a payment or Pay billCall: 888-863-8768 or
Call: *99 from your Metro by T‑Mobile phone
Premium handset protection1-800-316-2075
Or visit:
By MailT‑Mobile Customer Relations
P.O. Box 37380, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380
In the appiOS/Android
From StoreVisit a Metro by T‑Mobile store for details.
Contact us Page
Live ChatFrom official website

Metro PCS customer service Online payments

There are three ways available to pay bills from metroPCS.

  • Autopay
  • My account
  • Easy pay

You can contact us from the Contact Us page to pay the bill at Metro by T-Mobile.

Metro PCS customer service number pay bill

  • Call: 888-8-METRO-8
  • Call: *99 from your Metro by your T‑Mobile phone

Metro PCS customer service by mail

For the general query, you can contact customer care by Mail, which is given below:

General –

T‑Mobile Customer Relations
P.O. Box 37380, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380

Metro PCS Phone Number

Call the Metro PC phone number, which is available 24/7.

  • Call customer service: at 1-888-863-8768 (611 from a Metro by T-Mobile phone).
  • Make a Payment: 888-863-8768 (Call: *99 from your Metro by T‑Mobile phone)
  • Get premium handset security/protection: 1-800-316-2075

MetroPCS customer service chat

metropcs customer service chat
MetroPCS customer service chat

If you want to chat with a live human to solve your queries, please visit the official website of Metro by T-Mobile at Click on the “CHAT icon” and talk to the customer.

Metro by t-mobile customer service

If you need to contact Metro by T-Mobile customer service, there are several ways you can try.

Metro by T-Mobile by Phone

Metro by T-Mobile has live agents to help 24/7 hours for any question. Metro PCS has several phone numbers that you can call for support or inquiries.

Department/AgencyPhone NumberHours
Customer Service1-888-8metro8 (863-8768) or
Dial *611 from your Metro phone
6 am-2 am (Central)
7 days a week
Make a Payment1-888-8metro8 (863-8768) or dial *99 from your Metro phone24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Premium Handset Protection number1-800-316-207524 hours a day, 7 days a week

Metro by T-Mobile by Mail

Follow the instructions to contact Metro By T-Mobile by mail:

Mail your payment to:

Metro by T-Mobile Wireless, Inc.
PO Box 5119
Carol Stream, IL 60197-5119

When contacting Metro by mail for nonpayment, mail:

T-Mobile Customer Relations
P.O. Box 37380
Albuquerque, NM 87176-7380

Metro by T-Mobile by Social Media


Metro PCS Customer Service login

To log into your MetroPCS account, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the official website Metro by T-Mobile.
  • Official website
  • Tap on the Login button.
  • Enter your Metro® by T-Mobile Phone number.
  • Enter Account PIN.
  • Click on the Login button.

Metro PCS customer service phone number get human

You can call the MetroPCS customer service number at (1-888-863-8768) or Pay the bill easily. Hours: Mon-Sun 6 am-2 am CST; best time to call: 9:00 am.


How do I speak to someone at MetroPCS?

You can speak to someone at Metropcs through the customer care phone number at 1-888-863-8768.

What is the phone number for MetroPCS payment?

To make a MetroPCS payment or pay bill, customers can call this phone number: 888-8-METRO-8 (888-863-8768) or dial *99 from your Metro® by T‑Mobile phone.

What is the 1-800-customer service for MetroPCS?

Call 888-8metro8 (888-863-8768) or dial *611 from your Metro by T-Mobile phone

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