Access Wireless: Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program

Grant Advisors USA: Access Wireless is a wireless carrier that participates in both the Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity programs and offers free or discounted cell phones and services to qualifying low-income individuals and households. Access Wireless Company is a Lifeline Assistance Program provider, which means they have been approved by the FCC to provide free or discounted cell phones and services to eligible customers.

Access Wireless Free Cell Phone Service or Smartphone Monthly Discounts may vary based on recipient eligibility. The rebate can be up to $30 for eligible non-tribal land households. If the qualifying family is located on suitable tribal land, the exemption may be up to $75 per month.

Access Wireless offers a variety of phones and services, including smartphones, flip phones, and basic phones. Apart from these, they also offer several plans that include unlimited talk and text and limited data plans as well.

Access Wireless,
Access Wireless

Access Wireless Free Cell Phone Service

To get Free Cell Phone Service, you need to apply for access wireless application through the Government-funded Lifeline & Affordable Connectivity Program. individuals can get Free Smartphones, Free Unlimited Data, Hotspots, Talk and text.

Does Access Wireless give you a free phone?

Yes, Access Wireless provides a free government phone to eligible customers through the Lifeline ACP program. The phone you receive varies by location and availability. You can also buy an upgraded phone from Access Wireless online store.

Access Wireless Plans

Check out the Access Wireless plans listed here: you can apply for access wireless lifeline for talk, text, data, and the internet.

PlanTalkTextDataHotspotMonthly Cost
ACP OnlyUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited (15 GB of high speed)Included$0
Lifeline Only1,000 minutesUnlimitedIncludedIncluded$9.25
1,000 Minutes of Talk1,000 minutesUnlimited4.5 GBIncluded$15

Add Minutes: You can add more minutes (unlikely as the minimum plan gives you 1000 minutes) you can buy them on the Access Wireless website.

access wireless plans,
access wireless plans

ACP Device Discount

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) offers one-time rebates of up to $100 for purchasing a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers. It totally depends on which one you choose, you’ll get your device for a co-payment of $10.01 or more but less than $50. However, you must meet the same eligibility requirements as the monthly service discount, including:

  • Your income is 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL),
  • Enrolled in a qualifying government assistance program such as SNAP, Medicaid, or WIC,
  • Being a member of a tribal family you will be eligible.

Access Wireless Coverage Area and Eligible States

Access Wireless has nationwide service but only offers its programs like free government cell phone, services, and access wireless lifeline phones in the following states, listed below.

They currently offer the Lifeline Assistance program:

  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California
  6. Colorado
  7. Connecticut
  8. Delaware
  9. District of Columbia
  10. Florida
  11. Georgia
  12. Hawaii
  13. Idaho
  14. Illinois
  15. Indiana
  16. Iowa
  17. Kansas
  18. Kentucky
  19. Louisiana
  20. Maine
  21. Maryland
  22. Massachusetts
  23. Michigan
  24. Minnesota
  25. Mississippi
  26. Missouri
  27. Montana
  28. Nebraska
  29. Nevada
  30. New Hampshire
  31. New Jersey
  32. New Mexico
  33. New York
  34. North Carolina
  35. North Dakota
  36. Ohio
  37. Oklahoma
  38. Oregon
  39. Pennsylvania
  40. Rhode Island
  41. South Carolina
  42. South Dakota
  43. Tennessee
  44. Texas
  45. Utah
  46. Vermont
  47. Virginia
  48. Washington
  49. West Virginia
  50. Wisconsin
  51. Wyoming

New Jersey and New Mexico can only apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Access Wireless is not offering a free government smartphone plan in those states.

Eligiblity criteria for Access Wireless

To qualify for Access Wireless ACP or Lifeline free phone call, you have to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Individuals must be a resident of the United States.
  • Have an income less than 135% of the federal poverty level
  • Be enrolled in one of the following government assistance programs:
    • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
    • SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
    • Medicaid
    • TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
    • Lifeline

Access Wireless Application:

Follow the steps on How to apply for access wireless applications online to Free Cell Phone Services such as Free smartphones, Free Unlimited Data, hotspots, Talk, and text.

  1. Visit the official website of Access Wireless at
  2. Check your eligibility criteria for Lifeline and ACP.
  3. On the Homepage, Enter your ZIPcode and Tap on Apply Now.
  4. On the Enroll Page, Choose the plan you want:
    • ACP+lifeline
    • ACP Only(T)
    • Lifeline Only
  5. Select a device to use this new service:
    • Yes bring my own phone
    • No, I need a Phone
  6. If you select “No I need a Phone”, please Enter your email address and tap on Enrollment Now.
  7. Now, fill out the Access Wireless application form with your personal information and complete confirmation.
access wireless application,
access wireless application

Note: After successfully completing the enrollment process, you will receive an email from Access Wireless asking you to confirm your order information.

Access Wireless Application Status

Follow the steps to know how to check Access Wireless Application status or order status:

  • Go to the official website of Accesswireless.
  • Click on the My Account tab.
  • Login to your account with your phone number and password.
  • Once logged in, go to the “Application Status” section and view the application status.
  • You can check your status whether accepted, pending, or rejected.

Access Wireless Order status can be checked by following the above method or calling Access Wireless customer service at 1-888-900-5899.

Access wireless login:

Here are the steps to login to your Access Wireless My Account.

  • Go to the website at
  • Tap on My Account.
  • Enter your Phone number and Password.
  • Tap on the login button.

Access Wireless Activate Phone

Follow the steps on how to activate your Access Wireless phone:

  1. Turn on your phone.
  2. Insert the Access Wireless SIM card into your phone.
  3. Follow the prompts on your phone’s screen to activate.

If you are having trouble activating your phone, you can call Access Wireless customer service at this number: 1-866-594-3644, or visit the activation page at

Access Wireless replacement phone

To be eligible for an Access wireless replacement phone, your original phone must have been lost or damaged. You must also report loss or damage to Access Wireless within 45 days.

Here are the steps on how to get a replacement phone from Access Wireless:

  • You need to call Access Wireless customer service at 1-866-594-3644.
  • The customer will ask for your account information.
  • Select and pay for a replacement phone, if eligible.
  • Then get your replacement phone.

Access wireless compatible phones

Check out the Answer to the question “What kind of phone does Access Wireless give you for free”.

  1. NUU F4L Flip Phone
  2. BLU C5L 2022
  4. NUU A11L
  5. Motorola G7 REVVLRY
  6. NUU X6 Plus
  7. Motorola G7 Play
  8. Samsung Galaxy A01
  9. Samsung Galaxy A11
  10. Motorola G Play (2021)
  11. Apple iPhone 8
  12. Samsung Galaxy A02s

Access wireless customer service:

Contact us Page –

  • Phone number: 1-866-594-3644
  • Lifeline Customer Support-  866-594-3644

Customer Care Hours of Operation:

Mon – Sat: 10am – Midnight EST

Sunday: 10am – 7pm EST

Access Wireless Lifeline/ACP FAQs

is access wireless legit?

Yes, Access Wireless is a legitimate company that provides free government assistance such as free phones and service to eligible customers. They are a certified Lifeline provider, approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to offer Lifeline services.

What if I lose my phone or Stolen?

You can contact customer care at 1-866-594-3644. for phone replacement, you can also call the given number.


Now you know all about Access Wireless Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Services, free government cell phones, smartphones, eligibility requirements, etc.

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