Today I am sharing a new nonprofit grant that is Juvenile Services Aid Program Grants in Nebraska.
Importantly, the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice is accepting applications for the Community-Based Juvenile Services Assistance Program. The last date to apply for this program is 2023.
Juvenile Services Aid Program Grants In Nebraska Overview
Details | Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice – Juvenile Services Aid |
Contact | Youth Development, Youth ProgramsCrime, Legal Related, Social Science Research Institutes, Services |
States | Nebraska |
Maximum Grant | not specified |
Deadline | Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – 5pm (Closed) |
Grant Program website | |
Juvenile Services Aid Program Grants Details

To be eligible for this program, a three-year comprehensive Juvenile Services Community Plan (Community Plan) must be developed, adopted, and submitted to the Nebraska Crime Commission. The community plan should be developed by a community team representing stakeholders in the juvenile justice system. The community team may be comprised of individual counties, federally or state-recognized tribes, or any combination of the listed communities.
Community Schemes:
Provide relevant county or tribe-level data that supports the existence of the problem that the planning team will address.
Identify clearly defined community priorities of the community planning team, including defining a problem, set of problems, etc. that affects at-risk juveniles or those already involved in the criminal justice system.
Programs and practices have to be identified to address the community’s priorities. Such programs and practices must be supported by evidence-based practice, research, or standardized and have reliably demonstrated positive outcomes in other areas of juvenile services;
Clear implementation strategies must be identified, and it must be identified how the impact of this program or service will be measured in alignment with evidence-based practices or research.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants are limited to individual counties, multiple counties, federally or state-recognized Indian tribes, or any combination of the listed entities, and these listed entities are referred to herein as “communities.”
If two or more communities are partners on the same application, there must be a community designated as the lead county or lead tribe to receive and disburse grant funds.
Communities may contract with private or nonprofit agencies to administer programs and services with community-based funds;
However, communities may not require contracted agencies to provide matches.
Lead County/Lead Tribe is responsible for all funds and must comply with all requirements and contingencies set forth by the Nebraska Crime Commission.
Application Apply
You can directly visit its official website for guidelines and applications. In general, there are more Juvenile Services aid Grant applications available. All deadlines have been updated and it is no longer accepting applications.
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