Application for Welcome Corps program Private Sponsorship of Refugees

The Welcome Corps program was launched on January 19, 2023, in collaboration with the US Department of State, and the Department of Health and Human Services. A new private sponsorship program that will allow Americans to sponsor incoming refugees through the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), directly support their resettlement and make a difference by welcoming these new neighbours into their communities. The program invites US residents to partner with and guide those refugees as they build new lives in the United States and help them immigrate.

The first year of the program aims to mobilize at least 10,000 Americans to step forward as private sponsors and welcome at least 5,000 refugees from around the world.

Without wasting time, let’s read the article given below.

Welcome Corps Overview

DepartmentThe U.S. Department of State
coordination withThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
ProgramWelcome Corps – Private Sponsorship of Refugees
Launched onJanuary 19, 2023
ResidentsUnited States of America (USA)
Official website

What is the Welcome Corps?

Welcome Corps is a new program launched by the US State Department in collaboration with the US Department of Health and Human Services on January 19, 2023. This pilot scheme allows US citizens to sponsor refugees and help provide shelter in their communities. gives Americans the right to come together to privately sponsor refugees, building on our nation’s long tradition of providing asylum.

Sponsoring together with friends, coworkers, church members, and anyone in your community makes things easier and can be very rewarding for everyone involved.

The Department of State will fund a consortium of non-profit organizations specializing in refugee resettlement, protection, and welcoming to implement the Welcome Corps. This consortium includes the following organizations such as:

  • Church World Service/Refugee Welcome Collective,
  • Community Sponsorship Hub (CSH),
  • Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS),
  • International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP),
  • The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Welcome.US

Every eligible American can apply to form Private Sponsoring Groups (PSGs) to welcome refugees into local communities and aid refugee newcomers directly as they make new lives in the United States under the Welcome Corps program.

As a private sponsor in the Welcome Corps, you can work with other members of your PSG to secure and furnish initial housing, greet refugee arrivals at the airport, enroll children in school, and help adults find employment. 

Welcome Corps program makes it easier for refugee newbies to adjust to life in the United States and strengthen all of our communities. While welcoming refugees through private sponsorship is a significant responsibility, you already have the most crucial skill you need to succeed in the knowledge of your local community and you will get support from the Welcome Corps team throughout your sponsorship journey.

How to Apply for the welcome Corps program

Through the Welcome Corps, experts will assist you in privately sponsoring and welcoming a refugee to your American community. You need to follow the next steps to access the resources and start your sponsorship journey today. Before applying, ensure that you have completed the following steps: 

Attend an Information Session

You can sign up for an upcoming information session to listen from sponsors who have already welcomed newcomers into their communities and members of the Welcome Corps team. Information sessions are held weekly on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. ET on January 26.

Set up your private sponsor group

Join up to 4 friends in or near your community who are 18 years or older to create your group.

Complete your background check.

Ensure that each private sponsor group member completes the required background check. You can check the background check protocol.

Complete Training

Before submitting your application form, you need to make sure at least one member of your group completes Welcome Corps training. select Welcome Corps from the list of options when you sign up.

Attend an Application Support Session

Join the Welcome Corps team for detailed information on the Welcome Corps application process, including completing your Welcome Plan. starting February 1, Support Sessions are held every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ET. Register for the Wednesday that is most suitable for your schedule.

Complete Your Welcome Plan

The Welcome Plan is a mandatory piece of your private sponsorship application form. You need to complete a plan sharing how your private sponsor group will support the refugee newcomers you will sponsor.

Sign the Commitment Form

Ensure each member signs the Private Sponsor Group Commitment Form and reviews the Code of Conduct.

Start fundraising

Start fundraising the $2,275 needed for a privately sponsored refugee newcomer and involve your community in the process.

Submit Your Application!

After completing the above steps, follow the application process to submit your application.

Steps to apply for Private Sponsor Group Application

To apply for the Welcome Corps Private Sponsorship of Refugees, you need to visit the official website at applicants need to ensure to collect all the information and material required before starting the application. follow the steps below to complete and submit the Private Sponsor Group Application at

  • Go to the official website of the welcomeCorps program.
  • Select the Get Started button.
  • Scroll down and click on “Apply Here” in Submit Your Application.
  • After that, you will reach the Private Sponsor Group Application page.
  • Enter the Private Sponsor Group Name and Private Sponsor Group Location (City, State, Postal / Zip Code)
  • Enter the required details in the Private Sponsor Group Members option and Alternate Point of Contact.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Complete the captcha and submit the form.

If you encounter an error when submitting the Welcome Corps Private Sponsor Group Application form, please review it to make sure you have completed all required application fields. If you are still having trouble submitting, you can email us at

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    • Hello, I am Wicheler and I would like to participate in the program. How can you help me please?

      • To; UNHCR office in charge
        Department of Rehabilitation or Sponsorship
        The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee.

        Subject : Request for resettlement/ Sponsorship in a third country.

        Good morning! Dear Sir/Madam,
        With great respect and I would like to draw your kind and sympathetic vision that I have most problems after the Rohingya refugees from Myanmar taking away valuable ornaments and after burning our prevention Myanmar the honorable Myanmar government was oppressed by the United Nations. At that time the house was in crisis. Some of my relatives were killed by the Burmese government and then I was a friend to avoid the oppression of the Burmese metal government. Escape to the largest refugees of Bangladesh through massive mass murder and nationalism. We took shelter with the left of the Bangladesh government for years to erase the trauma that we had received the trauma of the Myanmar and the powerful weapons while shooting. People cut and gang rapping. Six years later in the Cox’s Bazaar refugee camp. It has been seen that the situation in the camp area is getting worse. Finally, I decided to find a safe place. I want to resettlement from Bangladesh Rohingya Refugee’s Camp to in a third country on humanitarian grounds. I have many relatives in US America. Among the relatives my uncle trying my family members for Resettlement/Sponsorship. My uncle current address is 1901 15 state Greeley Colorado zip code 80631 of America. My uncle name is Kamal Hussain. He is nationality of US America. US America give him citizenship two years ago. I don’t have a list of family members who are my family members. So we all want to be together in peaceful and comfortable countries where my uncle lives in America. We are waiting for the opportunity to rehabilitation in the mentioned countries. I want to take a peaceful shelter with my family members or somewhere else in the third country. Please and call. In adverse conditions. I pray and hope you will be kind enough to consider my case to be kind enough to retain quickly in the third country on the human basis. I need your humanitarian aid from UNHCR for resettlement/ Sponsorship. For which I will be forever grateful to you.

        My family members are given the details below.
        Order Name       : Abdur Rahman
        Father’s Name   : Arif Ullah
        Mother’s name  : Asiya Begum
        Wife name         : Ismot Ara
        Daughter name : Rosma Zia ( Disabled and Mental )
        UNHCR FCN      : 115914
        Phone number  : 01861405708

        Current address: Kutupalong Camp-2 East, Block-D,D5, Sub Majhi name: Abdullah, Head Majhi name: Forid.

        Permanent address: Layya (Kumir Khali) Village, Twn: Maungdaw, State: Myanmar

  1. I am sadrack saint cyr ,am from haiti but am living in dominican republic.i need to be refuggee in usa please i want to be sponsored .my situation here is very bas

  2. Hello everyone my nale us Augustin Eliezer i’m form haïti and i live in Haiti i would like to participation on this programme welcome corps and i world like to get a sponsor to apply it for le please.

  3. I am Julien biennord am from Haiti I suffered a lot in my country, that’s the reason why I want to refugge ín USA please help me

  4. Salut. je suis vilsaint Roland j’aimerais que vous m’aider à réfugiés dans un autre pays cause à la situations de mon pays. Je suis en Haïti tous va mal.

  5. Je suis Barthelemy Barthianie
    Je suis haïtienne j’aimerais que vous m’aider à sortir de mes dépression en Haïti je suis âge de 27 ans merciii d’avance pour votre support

  6. My name is Blaise D. I would like to be a private sponsored,. My question is after I submit the application what will be the next step?
    I don’t see any forms for the beneficiaries.

  7. 14/02/23
    Bonsoir je suis Widline Blaise je veux un parrainage je suis Haïtienne je vis en Haïti je vais avoir 32 ans je veux participer ma situation est très délicate s’il vous plaît

  8. Hello, I’m Marc-Budry Mesidor from Haiti. Thank you to USA For that special help . and I would like to be a part of that program. I’m 27 years old. Thank you in advance to my blessed future sponsor..

  9. Je réponds au nom de Marjorie Homère.
    J’aimerais bénéficier du programme.
    Ce serait une des plus grandes opportunités que la vie aura à m’offrir!!!!!!

  10. Bonjour
    Mon nom est Naphka Joseph je suis haïtienne et j’ai 24ans,j’aimerais participer aux programmes comme réfugiés.
    Merci déjà pour votre aide🙏🏾🙏🏾

  11. Salut je suis sainvil Renold j’ai 50 ans j’aimerais bénéficier du programe welcome corps ce serait une de plus grand opportunités et je veux trouver un parrain merci.

    • Bonjour nom Pam se Destin Servil
      Mwen ap viv Haïti moin ta renmen nou edem jwenn yon Parrain privé svp paske zone moin an envivab.

  12. Good afternoon everyone ,I am Wintchelle ,I am Haitian and I am living in Haiti,I am twenty six years old.
    I have two children’s and then they have two years old,there are a twin girls.
    I need to be a refrugee because I can’t find work and I want to take care my babies .
    First of all thanks for USA for this program .
    It’s will be good for me because it is not easy for me because everything is expensive and I didn’t work.Please help me

  13. Good morning ,

    I’m Nixson Mervilus , so I am haitian and I living Haiti . I would like to help me to find a sponsor for this program . God bless you !

    Sincerly : Nixson MERVILUS .

  14. Salt .je suis velant Antoine haitien a la recheche d un parrain aux etats unis pour financier mon voyage e celui de ma famille .ģrand merci a mon repondeur

  15. Bonjour
    On me nome jordaens Jeff Antoine haitien j aí 20 an j aimerais trouver sponsor.afin de pouvoir participer au de me reinstalar usa .merci

  16. Bonjour nom Pam se Destin Servil
    Mwen ap viv Haïti moin ta renmen nou edem jwenn yon Parrain privé svp paske zone moin an envivab.

  17. J’ai l’insigne honneur de vous saluer dans le nom précieux de Jésus-Christ pour le travail que vous faites au USA et dans mon pays Haïti.

    Avant tout, je dois tenir à me présenter. Je suis Fortilus Daniel, ma femme Kechema Fortilus, nous somme une famille à deux enfants et un garçon adoptif. Je suis Haïtien, j’ai besoin d’être réfugié parce que je ne trouve pas de travail et je veux prendre soins de mes enfants. La situation est très impunité, corrompu, misérable car tous est déplorable. A cause de la situation de mon pays je vous prie de venir à mon secours.

  18. J’ai l’immense plaisir de vous remercier pour l’opportunité que vous offrez à la nation Haïtienne au sujet de welcome corps.

    Fasse à la pénurie perturbante de mon pays j’aimerais trouver quelqu’un pour me parrainer au USA par ce programme.

    Mon nom est Luckenson Antoine, je vie avec ma mère Venette Antoine.

    Déjà je compte à recevoir votre réponse et vous envoie mes salutations distinguées dans le nom précieux de mon Seigneur Jésus-Christ.

  19. I am aymen I am from Eritrea am in Sudan now can anybody sponsor me my condition is very bad….really bad plz help sponsors….am waiting help….

  20. Bonsoir, je vous salue cordialement. je suis Estéphanie Jean je suis Haïtienne, je vis en Haïti .j’ai besoin de quelqu’un pour me parrainer s’il vous plaît.

  21. Hello I am Hold Mari kendia Lundi
    I’m from Haiti i was studying in the capital unfortunately I leave my school after many thistle happened where I lived. I would like to have opportunity to go in USA in study to help others people. Please help me .

  22. good evening I my pel Laguerre Claudy I’m 24 years old I want imihre in getting orogram I a papor

  23. I am a 79yo US citizen. I am married to a 43 yo pediatrician from Mexico City. She has a current US Tourist Visa. She has two children, one male, one female. The male is 14 yo and in his second semester at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in Brownsville, Texas, where we all currently reside. He is studying astro physics and his test scores in physics are routinely 96-100%. I have our daughter registered and attending public school here. She has a tourist visa.
    We are trying to get resident cards for all three. Our problem is sponsorship. I have a retirement income of about $28k. For me to solo sponsor I need an income of about $34k. So we need a co-sponsor. Any recommendations?

  24. Hi my name is Maryamo suleiman. I am refugee and a high school graduate current living with my aunt. I lost contact from my parents when I was in Somalia during a war. There lots of people running for their life and I was with my aunt at that, so we escaped came to Uganda with hope. we are safe here but the condition we are living are getting worst by day. My aunt she no longer works because of health problems we barely get a meal a day let alone paying for my education. I am asking for a better future, and I want to study further. I didn’t just escape. I had to escape. I had escape thousand memories. I didn’t choose to be refugee. I deserve to have a home and to be safe and have an opportunity to education.

    Maryamo Suleiman.
    A Ugandan refugee escaped from

  25. Hola buen día, como es el proceso para solicitar un patrocinador, donde hago mi registro, asesoría por favor. gracias

  26. I am Gemeda Isaac from ethiopia but currently i lives in yemen as a refugee more than 15 years ago and i have unhcr asylum seekers certficate . So please try to help me ….i am with my families .

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